Our sites

See how our numbers add up

16,000,000 linear metres of timber machined / year 16,000,000 linear metres of timber machined / year

That’s equivalent to 1,800 Mount Everest's stacked on top of each other.

9,000,000ft2 of space sold by tiger / year 9,000,000ft2 of space sold by tiger / year

That’s equivalent to 116 Wembley stadium football pitches.

225,000L of treatment used on sheds / year 225,000L of treatment used on sheds / year

That’s equivalent to 2,250 bathtubs.

2,200+ cabins produced / year 2,200+ cabins produced / year

30,000+ sheds produced / year 30,000+ sheds produced / year

24,000,000 auto-nails used in production / year 24,000,000 auto-nails used in production / year

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